A true wildflower

There was a lot of chatter going on around social media last week about weekend sales. Some hate them, some love them, some think they will be the downfall of ,at least, the stores using them and , at worst, the downfall of SL economics (tiny bit dramatic, but hey, everybody gets an opinion). I don’t care what anyone says on either side of the fence…cause again….opinions….I myself loooove them. I love scrolling through Seraphim and the group notecards and popping around the grid for cool stuff. I love seeing so many other avies doing the same…great opportunity for people watching as well as trying out new (if only to me) stores for a deal. I mean seriously…if you get it and hate it, you haven’t spent more than 75L and you’ve learned something. If you get it and wear it 1 or 2 times, you got your moneys worth. But damn, if you get it and use it a lot….what a freaking steal right!? I picked up this Nuve face for 60 freaking L’s this weekend, along with the super cute top from Little Diamond. I’m here to tell you, I’ve never heard of Little Diamond, can’t recall if I’ve ever seen them in an event, but they’re on my radar now. Nuve’s been on my radar a good while now and it tickles me that I can occasionally grab a face or brows (she makes the bestest brows!) on the weekend and know that I grabbed quality. This is how I know that when I see a product that’s new at the mainstore or at an event from somebody that I really liked from a weekend sale that I will like it….and I will happily pay full price for it. How can this be bad business!? ❤

In other “what a deal” news, the Arcade opened the other day. Heartsdale has all kind of gorgeous jewelry to play for…at 50L per play….can’t beat that for quality original mesh! ❤

Favorite thing though….the new monso hair that’s out at FaMESHed. Pink is a breezy long, loose braid that can be worn in the front or back, with or without the bangs. Spectacular ❤

[monso] Pink Hair @ FaMESHed till Sept. 27th
Avi-Glam eyes – Lucid # 5, from an older gacha
Nuve – Emily EvoX skin in sunkissed tone for a current weekend sale
Nuve – Emily EvoX tintable eyebrows in light red tone for a current weekend sale
[Heartsdale Jewellery] Minerva Necklace and Earrings set (RARE, 50L per play) @ The Arcade till Sept. 30th
Little Diamond – Katenia Top for a current weekend sale
STUN Poses – Ruby 5 pose (modified a bit), from a previous weekend sale

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