Hair Fair 2017

Holy pineapples batman….can’t live without this hair can ya!?  Me either!!  I had the pleasure of being able to walk through Hair Fair a little early and just went nuts at the amazing creations…..some demure, some sexy and some just so much fun you can’t stand it.  This Carmen wig made me laugh so hard and there was no way I was walking away without it!  The earrings…..oh the earrings….are a freeeee gift….score!

There are a lot of gifts set out in the individual booths at the fair, you just have to cam around and look.  I took some pics and have some tips for you to help you in your fair wanderings.  Also, check out the Hair Fair website for extensive LM’s AND a shopping guide with pics!!

First, if you haven’t joined the inworld demo group…why not?  It’s free and the designers have been loading their creations in all day today.  It’s easy squeezy to just sit, open and try on demo’s.  Join now if you haven’t already, open the group, go to the notices and start pulling in all the demo’s.  Make a list…have a plan dammit!

Second, good things to know.  There are 4 sims…blonde, brunette, redhead and noirette.  Get it!?  LOL

Pretty easy layout…and color coded!  If you notice…the roofs are shaded to correspond with the sim hair color!  Also, see the male sign above some of the roofs?  That denotes a store that has guy hair!  Talk about making it easy….this way guys don’t have to wander through every store wondering if there is a ‘do for them.

Speaking of wandering…if you want it even easier…catch a ride.  There are “bus” cubes on every sim ready to help you get around.  The Prim Bus is just an unscripted prim you and your friends can sit on and move using your edit tools to get around Hair Fair. If the sim is experiencing lag issues, this can sometimes be an easier way to get around, or it can help you avoid getting separated from your group.

Third:  All hair sold at the fair donates a portion to Wigs for Kids, the organization that makes and gives out wigs for children who have experienced a loss of hair.  The designers decide how much will be designated for donation, but the lowest amount is 15%.  There will be a sign in the booth somewhere that tells how much is going to Wigs for Kids.  I saw a good many (30 ish) that said 15%, over 10 that were 20%, same number roughly for 25%, a little less than 10 for 30%, 5 or so at 50% and 1 at 100%….for every hairstyle in the house.  Now I’ll be honest, some of the designers weren’t finished setting up as I went around and didn’t have their signs up yet…so there will be higher numbers and perhaps a few more at 100%.  There were a few that I spotted 100% donation signs at….but they were for dollarbie hairs…so yeah…1L.  The picture below was from Zibska’s store on Noirette…100% of the sales from all 5 hairs are being donated to Wigs for Kids.  Now I don’t blog for Zibska or anything…I just think that is beyond generous and amazing that Zib Scaggs is giving it all to the cause…props to her ❤

Forth:  Free gifts….they got em.  Many (not all, it’s voluntary) of the designers have put out a giftie for you in the store.  Some are accessories…like my pineapple earrings…many are hairs.  Most are free….a few are dollarbies.  Most of those with a gift have 1, a few had 2, Astrology has 3!  Whoot Whoot!

Fifth:  The Bandana Booths.  Each sim has a bandana booth.  They are all the same….same bandana’s in them I mean, so don’t go into one on another sim looking for different designs.  Each bandana costs 50L.  This year there are also Hair Fair Hare’s…adorable cuddly bunnehs wearing bandanas.

The hare’s are available in the bandana booths for 100L and have coordinating bandana’s for you to wear….twinsies!  100% of the proceeds from the bandana booths go to Wigs for Kids.  So what’s up with the bandana’s?  Bandana Day in Second Life started in 2007.   It’s a day we encourage people from all over SL to remove their hair and wear bandanas decorated by residents (not just hair creators!) grid wide.  Bandana Day is always toward the end of the fair…so pick a few out and keep up with either me or the Hair Fair 2017 website to find out when to wear yours ❤

Tell me this bunny is not adorable!!!  (and me too….I’m freaking adorable!)

Sixth: Bought every hair and wanna donate more?  You’ll find these donate boxes on every sim…feel free to feed them ❤

Seventh: In the front of every sim, where you initially rezz in, there is a display of the Hair Fair Picture Contest winners.  My friend Rhenu was a runner up, here’s her fabulous picture (the blue one) ❤

Finally….here’s the deets for the stuff I’m wearing with lm’s ❤

ZsaZsa’s Carmen Wig – Normie – Blonde (280L) @ Hair Fair 2017 on the Brunette sim
ZsaZsa’s Favorite Pineapple Earrings (free gift!) @ Hair Fair 2017
[Cynful] Rendezvous Romper – (288L) @ Collabor88 till July 6th
Belleza – Sophie applier for Catwa – New in store (899L)
Belleza – Sophie makeup for Catwa (199L) @ Summerfest 17 (opened today…till July 20th)


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