ND/MD for Skin Fair 2020

ND_MD for Skin Fair 2020

Embrace uncertainty. Some off the most beautiful chapters in your lives won’t have titles till much later.  Bob Goff

Day 5 of my Coronacation has me musing about what all this “new normal” will be referred to in the future.  What tag will we pin to this point in history when we talk about it.  9-11 is all we need to say when referencing the safety issues that are normal for us now … who’d have thought we’d be taking off our shoes at the airport!?  I’m in New Orleans (well, right outside of it) and 15 years later we STILL reference anything on a timeline as pre-Katrina or post-Katrina.  I’m less a few kidlets today as one mommy got temporarily laid off (waitress) and another has had her hours cut back since her place of business had to go into drive-thru mode only.  My neighbor next door works at Walmart (bless her heart) and has started taking the night shift to help restock, so I now have overnight kidlets to amuse my own.  Kids are freaking awesome when they’re sleeping.  Anyway, I had time on my hands this morning…at least the one not holding the coffee…and made the mistake of scrolling through my RL FB.  Fucking nightmare for the most part.  Ya never know people till something happens and their conspiracy theory inner self comes forward….and feels the need to share on social media.  The stupidity being shared (by intelligent people no less….sometimes, not always…some are just downright ignorant) is just crazy.  I guess just because you are smart about some things does not mean you are informed about others. One friend shared a column from some site about how there’s proof that Covid 19 was manufactured in some remote bio lab in China and had all kinds of details to show the proof.  Another mutual friend, who happened to be a bio researcher in the biotech industry in a previous life and worked at a research facility in Africa replied and took apart the column piece by piece and showed how uninformed the writer (and our friend who shared it) is about such things.  Man, if I was closer than 6 feet, I’d elbow bump him.  Truly though….it’s all in what your perception of truth is….I’ve no doubt that some who read his scientific (as well as extensive experience and knowledge-based) reasoning will believe that he made it all up or that he really doesn’t know what he’s talking about (or that he’s been brainwashed by the deep state).  We’re in the rumor/blame game right now and one of the memes going around says it’s best, “It looks like Steven King is writing 2020”.  Our new normal is changing by the hour and how we adapt (and keep adapting) will really be the litmus test.  It’ll be interesting, a year or two from now, when we look back on this and can do the hindsight thing.  Then what will we say!? For now….thank goodness for the memes!!!  ❤

On to less Earth-shattering things!  Today’s Skin Fair preview is ND/MD’s skin, Eli on LeLUTKA’s Lake head.  Both are, of course, at Skin Fair as we speak.  I’m getting to be a BoM boss with the Evolution head thingie!  The ND/MD ELI skins are for BOM and made for LELUTKA Evolution heads only 9as are the shapes).  Maitreya, Belleza, Slink Body skins are included with each skin tone pack,  the shapes are sold separately.  Fair warning…the shapes were made for either Nova or Erin, Lake is brand new so a lot of the skins and shapes made for LeLUTKA hadn’t made it to LAKE yet….so guess what…I popped the skin and shape onto my Lake head (Maitreya body) and I really, really like her!  You always take a chance when you use a skin/shape for one head on another…..it doesn’t always work out so well.  The eyes and lashes are from the LeLUTKA HUD and honestly…I know the iris’ on the eyes are a bit big…but I was having so much fun playing with all the buttons on the HUD and I just really liked the large iris with this skin ❤

This is the BoM skin straight up….no  other makeup, and the shape is for the Erin head (along with brow shape), I have not touched any of this in any way.  I used med-high graphics, no face lights and annan adored optimal avatar windlight. As always, feel free to click on any individual pic to enlarge it for a closer inspection. ❤

Pale Girl Productions website                   Skin Fair 2020 Shopping Guide                       Skin Fair Maps and LM’s

Now for the second portion of our show….the other stuffs!  Tram’s hair (I am not saying those numbers…come up with names dammit) is out at Collabor88 right now and just screams SPRING IS HERE! (it’s really not till tomorrow, but so what) The Maxi earrings were from one of last weekends (?) sales, I honestly don’t remember which, but there were 4 styles in the pack and this was one of them.  The Ra (is that the same as Ankh, cause that’s what I’ve always called this symbol) necklace comes with a HUD to switch up the metal, cord and crystal color and is currently at We Love Role-Play.  The crystal feathers are also @ We<3RP and are available in 8 different shades (the ones I used were the “pure” tone).  Enemy’s World tattoo was at The Liaison Collaborative last month….but it was right when the updated Maitreya came out and I couldn’t figure out how to get it to show up on the new body (I have since tutored myself on BoM ready)…it is, no doubt, at their main store now.  The massively smexy dress is from Cynful, comes in both cashmere and knit textures, and was also purchased a few weeks ago at one of the weekend sales….which means I spent 75L or less on it!  I kinda did the creative shot here as the dress is what can be loosely called a “dress”….it’s way short and the punani is evident for the most part.  The dress does come with a panties option….but honestly, no matter what color I picked it just looked like I had dyed the punani hairs…lol.  Still lovin the dress though and damn straight I wear it out and about! ❤

tram J0225 hair @ Collabor88 till April 6th
LeLUTKA Lake Evolution Head @ Skin Fair 2020 on the South Sim 
LeLUTKA eyes and lashes (from the HUD)
ND/MD – Eli skin (BoM only) for LeLUTKA Evolution head @ Skin Fair 2020 on the North Sim
ND/MD – Eli shape and brow for LeLUTKA Evolution head
Enemy – World Tattoo (BoM, Belleza, Maitreya, Slink, Omega, Legacy)
Maxi Gossamer – Earrings – Make A Wish
VENGE – ‘Crystal Of Ra’ Necklace  @ We Love Role-Play till March 31st
Cynful Plush Turtleneck Dress – Cashmere Dress and sleeves
.: Runic :. Crystal Feathers, Pure @ We Love Role-Play
Manifeste – model 888 pose (100L)

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